Sunday, March 5, 2017


He (god) is our bimba, Im his praibimba. I do  things, help others without anything in return (pratiphala apeksha).

Step 8

Think of pati vrata ladies

Ladies are the ones who donot have rights to read veda. True. Still everyone calls her kulavadhu dharani (told by Shrimadvacharya in mahabharatha tatparya nirnaya “kanyo nidha badha kula dharanithi” ) . Married lady makes progress both in her birthplace and inlaws house. They were very respectable. (Boys are just called kuladeepaka, if he has right attitude, he makes his kula proud but does not improve his wife’s kula).
Now coming to pathi vrata.
They are ladies who are gems. They are the ones who sacrifice everything just for the sake of their family. She is the one with good conduct, culture and thoughts. She thinks every work I do is pooja for Shri Krishna. She is intellect. She is the who respects her husband what so ever may be, let her husband be weak(durbala), ill-behaved(dussheela), diseased (rogi), poverty, worst behavior  (dushcharitra),old age(vrddha), she will never even think of getting separated from her husband.

She is the one eligible for praying shri Hari in her husband. She prays to god in her every work as pathiyantharga bharathi ramana mukya prananthargatha bhagavatha preethi kagi ee kailasavannu maduthennea. (I do this job for the love of god).and do samarpana as  pathiyantharga bharathi ramana mukya prananthargatha bhagavatha ninege samarpana.

How does she lead her life?
She cleans her house (which is temple of Shri Hari), she takes care of people inside her home, whoever comes from outside. She wakes up before her husband wakes and sleeps after he sleeps. She is the one who is tolerant.
Related image
Ravana abducting Sita

Why should we think of pathi vrata ladies?
·       To make us realize we must have good conduct.
·       Our activities should be clean
·       Whatever be the circumstance or situation our behavior should not go in a wrong way
·       Our ancestors thought, once we pray them every day we will remember the struggle faced by these pathi vratas, inspite of their problems they didn’t think or act bad. They acted in the way Dharma thought them.
There is a say “yethatha desha prasudasya sakasha agra janamanah swam swam charitram sikshedan jagathyam sarva manavah-
Yethataha – true/right
Desha – country excude
Sakasha - prensent
Agra janamanah – superior janma
Charitram – character
Sikshedan – instructive
Jagathyam – tis world
Sarva manavah – all peoples

The people born in Bharatha desha has full of good qualities. The people from outside Bharatha come to learn from us, the way to lead good life. (Even now we see numerous foreign people joining iskcon group to learn and practice Indian culture. They believe it’s the best culture. Sad part is we have started to follow western culture). Let us all respect our ancestors and follow our culture to avoid lot of guiltiness.
·       We lose our papa and get punya
·       There were a lot of pathi vrata ladies in our culture. But why is that we only think of these five ladies.
Because there were a lot of ladies like Rukmani, Satyabama, Subhadra whose life were moving smooth. But for Sita Devi during vanavasa, Ravana abducted her. Eventhough as we all know Sita was replaced by vedavathi people speak Sita was in parapurusha (husband of other’s wife) house. Even though Sita was pure few bad people speak unnecessarily  on her. Similarly Draupadi was spoken ill since she married five persons. Everyone think how can one woman marry five men.
Pathi vratha
Ahalya Druapathi sita Tara mandodari tattha panchakam na smarer nityam maha pathakam nashanam.
Panchakam – 5 members
Smarer –  think of
Nityam - everyday
One may ask how come these ladies be called pathi vrata, muthaidar(sumangali).

These five ladies faced aggression(violence) by male. Yet they protected their pathi vrata. So they are being prayed.

On the crisp:

for every work we do 
pathiyanthargatha bharathi ramana mukya prananthargatha bhagavatha preethi kagi ee kailasavannu maduthennea. 
do samarpana as  
pathiyanthargatha bharathi ramana mukya prananthargatha bhagavatha ninege samarpana.
(for gents pathiyanthargatha will not come instead should say bharathi ramana mukhyaprananthargatha ninege samarpana).

Pathi vratha stotra
Ahalya Druapathi sita Tara mandodari tattha panchakam na smarer nityam maha pathakam nashanam.

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