Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Step 15


Where is god inside us? God is present in the 3.5 crore pores in our skin (romakupa), blood vessels, 72000 nerves (naadi), seven tissues [sapta dhatus – rasa (plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscles), meda (adipose tissue), asti (bone and cartilage), majja (nerve), shukra (reproductive system)], ten indriyas in each and every nook and corner of or body Shri Hari.

Hence, Bathing is equal to doing abisheka for bimba roopi god inside us. Just like how we do abhisheka for saligrama, with that same respect we should take bath.  We can also think we are doing abisheka to God when we give bath to a baby.

Man has to do snana for head (shiras snana). When doing snana in river avagahana snana is must. In which head has to be immersed first then the whole body. But women can’t do head bath every day, because in every women (sumangalis) hair split (baithale) ganga devi is present. Hence it’s called kanta (neck) snana. It’s always better to bath in cold. If not possible try to bath in cold water, hot water then again cold water. Before taking bath wrap a wet cloth around then start to bath.

Related image

Why do we do mel (mele/above) snana?
As we all know if we do melsnana it’s considered to be madi (suchi). Men also do melsnana and women after their completion of periods (rajasvala) do mel snana. Ten finger spaces above our head; God Dhuriya is present (which we will see in detail in later sections). Hence when we do melsnana it is considered doing abhisheka for the Dhuriya roopi bhagahvanta through which we get pure.

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