There is
no difference between the function of one part of His body with the other. Any
part of his body can perform any function He so desires.
He can see
with his ears, walk on his hands, smell with his foot etc..
He is Himself present in His aMtaryAmi rUpa-s and His biMba rUpa-s. Shri Hari is complete in all respects thus - svagatbhEdavivarjita. He is exclusively knowledgeable an ever happy. He has names of ifferent souns an wors an known by those suitably related names.
He is Himself present in His aMtaryAmi rUpa-s and His biMba rUpa-s. Shri Hari is complete in all respects thus - svagatbhEdavivarjita. He is exclusively knowledgeable an ever happy. He has names of ifferent souns an wors an known by those suitably related names.
The entire
body of ParamAtma and every other part such as His
Nails an
hair are exorbitantly fille with infinite virtuous qualities. There is no
effect in any part.
ParamAtma holds the entire Universe of 14 lOka-s (bhUlOka, bhuvaralOka, swargalOka,
mahaRlOka, janolOka, tapolOka, satyalOka, ataLa, vitaLa, sutaLa, talataLa,
rasAtaLa, mahAtaLa an pAtALA) with single viShva rupa an protects them with His
kindness an by pervading with His excellence inside and outside all jivas
(sthAvara an jaMgama) an jadas.
the empty space in a pot, we can also perceive the same empty space outside the
pot too. Just as this empty space pervades insie an outside the pot, in the
same way ParamAtma pervades in all objects and is called by those objects is
called by those known names. Pervading in all letters, words, souns known by
respective rupas, expressions and name of objects.
Those places
of His normal dwelling. Although the capabilities in terms of guna etc.. are
limite for the jivas and jadas, paramAtma has entirely different gunas from
those objects of jiva-s but He remains unattached.
By pervading
everywhere, His gunas do not decline in quality or capacity or numbers.
He pervades in His aMtaRyAmi rupa in those jivas/ objects by those svabhava, and
acting as Regulator does an makes them do kriyas as per their svarUpaOgyata an
anAi karma an plays with them.
plays as per biMba. ParamAtma is Master of Himself.
dAsa pays obeisance to ParamAtma.
tOrutippanu chakradali hiM
kAranAmaka shaMkhadali prati
hAra gadeyali nidhana padmadalippa prastAva
kAruNikanudgItha nAmadi
mAramaNanairUpagaLa shaM
khAri modalAdAyudhagaLoLu smarisi dharisutiru...HKAS_08-28
= in the chakra mudra that we stamp on our dEha
hiMkAra nAmaka = hiMkAra
namaka Paramatma
ShaMkhadali = in the shaMkha mudra
Nidhana =
nidhana nAmaka Paramatma
= exists in them
padmadali = in pama mudra
prastAva =
prastAva nAmaka Para
= the kin Paramatam
nAmai = as udgltha nAmaka ParamAtma in nArAyana mudra
ippa =
= lakshmi pati shriman Narayana
= the 5 rupas of hiMkara, pratihAra, nidhana, prastava an ugltha.
Shamkha =
Ari =
Modalada =
these and other
= weapon
Smarisi =
remember in the above pamcha mudras
= display these muras at the respective designated places
One must
refer back to HKAS_06-13 an HKAS_06-14 to enjoy understaning this stanza.
In this
stanza Jagannatha dasa explains the upasana process of paramtma in the various
mudras that we apply daily.
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Five mudras |
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1) chakra mudra - hiMkAra nAmaka ParamAtma must be remembered while applying the chakra mudra. pradyumna ParamAtma exists as hiMkAra in the chakra mudra. Existing as kR^iddhOlka rUpi, He destroys the aj~nAna called 'tama'. sajjana-s are sometimes seized by anger. He destroys this anger. Just as we cannot see the things around us at night, we cannot perceive the difference between 'jIva' and 'Isha' - this is indeed avidya 'tama'. We must say the following maMtra during chakra mudra dhAraNa:-
"sudaRshana mahAjvAla kOTi sURya samaprabha
aj~nAnAnaMdhasye mE nityaM viShNORmARgaM pradaRshaya"
2) shaMkha mudra - pratihAra nAmaka ParamAtma must be remembered while applying the shaMkha mudra. aniruddha ParamAtma exists as pratihAra in the shaMkha mudra. Existing as mahOlka rUpi in shaMkha mudra, he destroys avidya mOha - i.e. the unnecessary understanding that jIvEshvara is biased by Himself, which is an called mOha. We must say the following maMtra during shaMkha mudra dhAraNa:-
"pAMchajanya nijadhvAna dhvasta pAtaka saMjaya
trAhi mAM pAvinaM ghOra saMsArARNava pAtinam"
3) gadA mudra - nidhanma nAmaka ParamAtma must be remembered while applying the gadA mudra. saMkaRShaNa ParamAtma exists as nidhana in the gadA mudra. Existing as vIrOlkaka rUpi in gadA mudra, He destroys avidya mahAmOha – i.e. the fanatism that undoubtedly jIvEshsvara is biased by Himself is mahAmoha. We must say the following mamtra during
gadA mudra
dhAraNa :-
bhuvanAraMbha mUlastaMbhO gadAdharaH
koumOdakI karE yasya tannamAmi gadAdharam"
koumOdakI karE yasya tannamAmi gadAdharam"
4) padma mudra - prastAva nAmaka ParamAtma must be remembered while applying the padma mudra. vAsudEva ParamAtma exists as prastAva in the padma mudra. Existing as dyulka rUpi in padma mudra, He destroys avidya tAmisra – the enmity in persons who oppose that 'jIvEshvara is biased' is called tAmisra.We must say the following maMtra during padma mudra dhAraNa:-
padmahastEna yO dEvO yOgIshaM taM namAmyaham"
padmahastEna yO dEvO yOgIshaM taM namAmyaham"
5) nArAyaNa mudra - udgItha nAmaka ParamAtma must be remembered while applying the padma mudra. nArAyaNa ParamAtma exists as udgItha in the nArAyaNa mudra. Existing as sahasrOlka rUpi in nArAyaNa mudra. Since He has the power of a 1000 suns He is called sahasrOlka, He destroys avidya aMdhatAmisra - the war with persons who defend 'jIva-Isha bhEda' is called aMdhatAmisra. We must say the following maMtra during nArAyaNa mudra dhAraNa:-
OM nArAyaNa samatEstu nAmamudrAMkitaM naram
dR^iShTya labhate muktiM chaMDAlO brahmaghAtakaH
We must thus wear the paMcha mudra-s of laxmIpati shrIman nArAyaNa (mAramaNana) remembering the 'airUpagaLa smarisi dharisutiru' i.e. the 5 rUpa-s of hiMkAra, pratihAra, nidhana, prastAva & udgItha as enumerated above and remember the names of kR^iddhOlka, mahOlka, vIrOlka, dyulka & sahasrOlka. Then the kind ParamAtma (kAruNika) would destroy our avidya-s and bless us.
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